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Yumeji  / 梦二

Yumeji / 梦二

Actors:Kenji Sawada two / cones Valley Tomoko the / Miyazaki Wan pure /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:1991 Updated:2012-04-24 16:45:53 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Yumeji / 梦二
    Story movie < Yumeji / 梦二 >
    Stars:Kenji Sawada two / cones Valley Tomoko the / Miyazaki Wan pure /
    Storyline: 1991 Cannes Film Festival Directors' Fortnight unit . As a finale for Seijun Suzuki 's Taisho romance trilogy , the film is full of ** obscene and absurd color , is about a ghost story around the famous Japanese painter and poet , dream Takehisa ( 1884-1934 ) this role , and his work. The role of imagination was the director of a playboy addicted to daydreaming played by former rock star Kenji Sawada , he spends his time looking for sex and fear of death trap . He has fallen in love with many women, but no one he captured the hearts and minds . Meanwhile, he also continued to exchange blows with their peers, opponents , but can not beat them . To pay tribute to Seijun Suzuki , the famous Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai "In the Mood for Love " in the soundtrack of Merlin Mao , the first is from the film "Dream " .
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