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Reorganization of agents  / 整编特工

Reorganization of agents / 整编特工

Actors:Ashton Kutcher / Katherine Heigl / Tom Selleck /

Category:Action Director:Unknown

Year:2010 Updated:2012-04-24 16:18:39 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Reorganization of agents / 整编特工
    Action movie < Reorganization of agents / 整编特工 >
    Stars:Ashton Kutcher / Katherine Heigl / Tom Selleck /
    Storyline: Jane ( Katherine • sea Siegel , Katherine Heigl decorated ) a person to fly to Nice, France travel, the way parents talk about the circumstances of her daughter's , she was very unhappy . Waterfront hotel elevator , Jane met a guy wearing a swimsuit Spencer ( the Ashton • Kutcher Ashton Kutcher played ) , the two fell in love at first sight . They meet in a bar for dinner, but just Jane's parents passing . Simply in order to avoid their eyes , so he fabricated on his father's scandal , and continue Yuan Huang . But , as she and Spencer emotional heat , she bare to him the truth . Spencer has concealed himself is the killer fact . Originally , Spencer quit , but the last task , even to deal with Jane's father , his future father-in-law . This Spencer dilemma . At the same time , around the gluey lovers , pop up a lot of killer , including a drunk, alcoholic, physically attractive sexy girl , and even the neighboring community of husband and wife , have him start ... < span class = " pl ">
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