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Twelve Monkeys  / 十二只猴子

Twelve Monkeys / 十二只猴子

Actors:Bruce Willis / Brad Pitt /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:1995 Updated:2012-04-24 15:31:03 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Twelve Monkeys / 十二只猴子
    Story movie < Twelve Monkeys / 十二只猴子 >
    Stars:Bruce Willis / Brad Pitt /

    AD 2035 . Since the World 1996 , a deadly viruses , the few remaining human beings can only live in the ground, ignoble peace . In order to change this situation , scientists have devised a plan to change all that. Prisoner James Cole was forced as a volunteer , through time and space back to 1996 to trace the reasons for the spread of the virus year 2035 , so as to enable scientists to find ways to prevent and to stop it from happening . Time , however , through the emergence of the error, Cole was sent to Baltimore in 1990 . He was a psychiatrist Catherine Shirley diagnosis of schizophrenia and delusions , as he described to the people for six years after the five billion people died in a virus disaster . In a lunatic asylum , he was exceptionally able to talk with patients Jeffrey · Geyin Si , Ge Yinsi initiative to help him to escape from the madhouse , Cole back to 2035 . Second time and space through no problem , but Cole was the birthplace of the virus is in Philadelphia . So he found Catherine, let her help him to Philadelphia , to find the culprit of the release of the virus : Twelve Monkeys Legion . This strange pattern ( 12 monkeys circle ) marked . The bullet removed from Cole leg confirmed Cole does not belong to this era , Catherine believed his words , is determined to help him save the fate of mankind . "Twelve Monkeys Legion " turned out to be the "Animal Liberation Movement Association , organizers of exactly six years ago, Cole friend Jeffrey . Jeffrey 's father is a famous virus expert Colander , Jeffrey was a crazy fight for animal free his kidnapped father , organized the 12 monkeys Legion , but want to be Colander Dr. Guan into zoo animals all released . That the deadly virus simply has nothing to do with the 12 monkeys Legion . Cole decided to no longer care about the future , just as he and Catherine at the airport, looking forward to a better life , but unexpectedly found the Dr 's assistant Peters is the real culprit , tracking the virus does not end .

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