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Story about《Green mustard Interpol / 绿芥刑警》
    2002 Year Action movie < Green mustard Interpol / 绿芥刑警 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hirosue / Reno /

    Hubble is a powerful police Jieruchou , his superiors do not appreciate his reckless style . In fact, the surface nausea good
    The Hubble paragraph unknown back in the 19 years ago , when he secretly went to the Japanese mission , he met Japanese
    Women Keiko , she is the love of his life and marry her , and guessed that Keiko soon mysterious disappearance .
    The past 20 years Hubble has never been on Keiko immersed , even if such a stunning beauty like Sophia to show him , he also indifferent
    Zhong . Day phone from Japan told Keiko died of cancer death , Hubble becomes the only heritage grant
    People. Hubble leave to go to Tokyo .
    Visit Japan again 20 years later , I did not expect constantly surprised : first Hubble 20 years ago, colleagues Amauri was still there
    This work for the French intelligence agency , the Hubble will naturally follow the Amauri experience in Japan ; Second , he found that Keiko is not
    Died of cancer , but was assassinated ; even more ridiculous , and actually have a 20 - year-old daughter . This strange girl ,
    Emotional , fashion , bizarre acts , the beauty of another Prodigal Japanese girl , her bank account is actually 2
    Billion dollars , a huge sum of money .
    Underworld want to swallow up the money from the U.S. , so Hubble's best to protect her safety , this time Amauri also involved in unprovoked
    Non- being , Hubble had to punish evil and evil forces in his own way .

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