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Story about《Minor Asia the past / Anatolian past / 小亚细亚往事/安纳托利亚往事》
    2011 Year Documentary movie < Minor Asia the past / Anatolian past / 小亚细亚往事/安纳托利亚往事 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Nuri than Doug Ceylon /
    Storyline: film 's story occurs within 12 hours : a group of police with a doctor surrendered along with two criminals looking for dead bodies, locations , all night looking after countless futile , and finally found , but the need for further autopsy . However , an almost three hours of police work process only the surface of the plot , in fact , throughout the process about a lot of social problems and their exposure to moral , economic , social and family pressure , which a contemporary Turkish slowly rolled out of the picture of life with the whole finding and testing process . The movie and the Dardenne brothers bicycle Youth " with the 2011 64th Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize .
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