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Story about《With fishing with pot / 同捞同煲》
    2005 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < With fishing with pot / 同捞同煲 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Roger Kwok / Kenneth Ma / Myolie / Jiang Zhi Ni / Wayne Lai / forest bathing East /
    Storyline: Deng Weixiang ﹝ Roger Kwok ornaments ﹞ Bong mother 's wishes, from the Mainland to Hong Kong to seek refuge outside the parent Ling Sing-po ﹝ ﹞ Qin Huang decorated . Surprisingly , find a wave to no avail , except to find uncle Tang King dust ﹝ Kenneth Ma ornaments ﹞ seek refuge . The dust is a sky- brokers , all day camp Battle Battle , precarious . By chance , dust from a missing person ads , that the future of Chi Cheung parent actually wealthy wave . Dust at all by great sharks Leigui Li , falsely claimed to teach Xiang money earners together to see a future outside the parent . Unexpectedly, wave wife - Lin Lanqing ﹝ Lu Wan Yan ornaments ﹞ identified Cheung deliberately hit the white , Xiang, dust , get rid of the Cheung misunderstanding of State despise a poor family , self-esteem damaged , Fenran departure . Mine site debt collection , Cheung things because of their own sky , decisions for the debts of dust , dust moved so two cousin with fishing with pot , opt Restaurant .
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