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Action Xia nu chuan qi / Zen Of Sword / 独孤九剑 / 侠女传奇之独孤九剑 / 天剑绝刀 / 侠女传奇Video Download url:
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Story about《Xia nu chuan qi / Zen Of Sword / 独孤九剑 / 侠女传奇之独孤九剑 / 天剑绝刀 / 侠女传奇》
    1993 Year Action movie < Xia nu chuan qi / Zen Of Sword / 独孤九剑 / 侠女传奇之独孤九剑 / 天剑绝刀 / 侠女传奇 >
    Director:Mang San Yu /
    Stars:Yee Cheng / Bing-Chuen Cheung / Kara Hui / Cynthia Khan / Philip Kwok / Sek-Ming Lau / Shun Lau / Siu-Ming Lau / Waise Lee / Michelle Reis / Wei-min Tan /
    Storyline:Countries separatist war frequency, the Five Dynasties and ten kingdoms.
    Later Tang Dynasty was destroyed by the later Yan, the princess (Michele Lee) in the Liu Ruoxiong (Waise Lee) and the match Peter (Cynthia Khan) couple protection escape, his father dying, a hidden treasure secret Yuxiao intersection, the princess find treasure can zionism. The way three people separated. The princess into the valley, the original is met Prince Xiahou Tang (later Canti Lau), he was my aunt (Kara Hui) force, hard to Zionist lonely nine sword out of the country, his enemies is the princess. But because there is no present identity, two people back out in the latter several lay down his life for his true love. Liu Ruoxiong is Yan Shi (Liu Xun) captured, the latter to benefit as bait, make him rebellious heart.
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