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Story about《Until this stallion / desert Treasures / Hidalgo / 狂沙神驹/大漠雄风/沙漠骑兵》
    2004 Year Action movie < Until this stallion / desert Treasures / Hidalgo / 狂沙神驹/大漠雄风/沙漠骑兵 >
    Director:Joe Johnton /
    Stars:Viggo Mortenen / Zuleikha Robinon / Omar Sharif / Louise Lombard / Adam Alexi-Malle / Saïd Taghmaoui / Silas Caron / Harh Nayyar / J.K. Simmon / Adoni Maropis / Victor Talmadge / Peter Menah / Joshua Wolf Coleman / Franky Mwangi / Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerm /

    In 1890, a down-and-out cowboy and his hore travel to Arabia to compete in a deadly cross desert hore race.
    Held yearly for centuries, the Ocean of Fire--a 3,000 mile survival race across the Arabian desert--was a challenge restricted to the finest Arabian hores ever bred, the purest and noblest lines, owned by the greatest royal families. In 1890, a wealthy sheik invited an American, Frank T. Hopkin, and his hore to enter the race for the firt time. During the coure of his career, Hopkin was a cowboy and dispatch rider for the U.S. cavalry--and had once been billed as the greatest rider the West had ever known. The Sheik puts his claim to the test, pitting the American cowboy and his mustang, Hidalgo, againt the world's greatest Arabian hores and Bedouin rider--some of whom are determined to prevent a foreigner from finishing the race. For Frank, the Ocean of Fire becomes not only a matter of pride and honor, but a race for his very survival as he and his hore attempt the impossible.

    centuries the annual " marine fire "(Ocean of Fire) is an extremely difficult endurance race in Marseille, the journey of 3000 miles, let alone in the hot depressed, ruthless Arabian desert. Participating horse racing, there are stringent restrictions, they must be the Arab world's most pure , the most noble descent horse, and owned by the most distinguished royal family.
    However, in the year 1890, a wealthy Arab Emirates opened the first of its kind, the first time invited an American brought his horse to participate in a game of the year. Frank-T-Hopkins (Frank T.Hopkins, Vigo - Mortensen ornaments, Viggo Mortensen,) is an American cowboy, he was once one of the US cavalry riding a superb messenger, Western countries recognized as the top riders.
    Emirates (decorated with Sharif Sharif,) adhere let the American cowboy horse "Draeger" (Hidalgo,) to participate in this event, with the world's best Arabian horse racing and Tony usually caused by the rider encounters. Some Bedouins, but secretly resolved to thwart aliens to participate in the game at all costs. For Frank, the "Ocean of Fire" has not just something off my pride and honor, but also solidarity with their life and death. To survive, he and his horse, "Draeger" must make every effort to try this seems impossible to win the tournament.

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