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Story about《Yao Wang Qing / 大清药王》
    2002 Year Chinese TV < Yao Wang Qing / 大清药王 >
    Director: /
    Stars:chair Li Baotian Zhao /
    Storyline: since the Qing Emperor Yongzheng , Roca old Tong Ren Tang Imperial to Imperial drug worship , to the eighth generation of musicians to fame earthquake . Patients are known for seeking drugs have , Japanese ronin Ono , colluded in the music parents Cao of Lun , plan to take away the secret Recipe spectrum .

    Cao of Lun Pirates of the side and saw his former club Le wide sea , the attack of arson Storehouse burned Roca fines ; collusion between the White eunuchs of the Imperial pharmacy seizure of Imperial drug money , actually the old worse , no money to pharmaceutical drugs can be sold . Royal Highness the misconception that musicians " get boring , angry musicians Imperial drug ordered the revocation of worship, further tendering . The face of the downturn, Yue wide sea elderly is to keep two hundred old and famous , decided to inter-generational transfer printed , the Church India passed to the grandson of Yue HTC .
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