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Story about《Fame / Honor / I 'll Fly Away / 2009 Fame / 名扬四海/荣誉/我要高飞/2009名扬四海》
    2009 Year Comedy movie < Fame / Honor / I 'll Fly Away / 2009 Fame / 名扬四海/荣誉/我要高飞/2009名扬四海 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ashe Burke / Colin Gordon Payne / admittance Danube Burton the /
    Storyline: remake to the performing arts high school in New York City since the 1980 movie of the same name as the story of the the stage , describing the eight young people from all walks of life and family background , each with a different dream come sit, has experienced many challenges and struggles, some successful, some failed, it was also absorbed from the performances to life experiences and grow.
    In New York performing arts high school, gathered a group of singing, dancing and acting on the very talented young students. They want to accept the four-year study. After graduation, they will fight for their ideals. Or be discovered by fame, or to participate in the talent show won the first name. .. In short, everyone has their own goals, everyone has their own ultimate dream.
    Highly competitive atmosphere of the environment of the school, each student will produce a serious emotional self-doubt, their passions in turn be subject to strict tests in school examinations. Learning on the road leading to the art world, they need to deal with all the little tasks of life, and arrange their own lives. Heavy curriculum in the schools of this has been the weight that they can not breathable , but they also come up with a considerable portion of time the friendship between the processing and friends, and opponents displeasure, and of love between lovers. Of course, the stand out is their dream.
    After unremitting efforts, some of them are able to come to the center of the stage, chasing light exposure, and ultimately known in the world.
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