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Story about《Victor Victoria / 双面俏佳人 / 维克多和维克多利亚 / 维克托/维多利亚 / 雌雄莫辨》
    1982 Year Love movie < Victor Victoria / 双面俏佳人 / 维克多和维克多利亚 / 维克托/维多利亚 / 雌雄莫辨 >
    Director:Blake Edwards /
    Stars:Julie Andrews / James Garner / Robert Preston / Lesley Ann Warren / Alex Karras / John Rhys-Davies / Graham Stark / Peter Arne / Herb Tanney / Michael Robbin / Norman Chancer / David Gant / Maria Charles / Malcolm Jamieson / John Cassady /
    Storyline:In 1934 Paris, trained coloratura soprano Victoria Grant, a native Brit, can't get a job as a singer and is having trouble making ends meet. She doesn't even have enough money for the basics of food and shelter. Gay cabaret singer Carole 'Toddy' Todd may befall the same fate as Victoria as he was just fired from his singing gig at a second rate club named Chez Lui. To solve both their problems, Toddy comes up with what he conider an inpired idea: with Toddy as her manager, Victoria, pretending to be a man, get a job singing as a female imperonator. If they pull this scheme off, Toddy vows Victoria, as her male alter ego, will be the toast of Paris and as such be extremely wealthy. That alter ego they decide is Polish Count Victor Grazinki, Toddy's ex-lover who was disowned by his family when they found out he was gay. The Count audition for the city's leading agent, Andre Cassell, who, impressed, gets him a gig performing in the city's best nightclub. In the audience on the ...
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