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Story about《Full house father and mother / 满堂爹娘》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Full house father and mother / 满堂爹娘 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhang Shaohua / Jiang Wu / Yan Xuejing / Zhang Xi Wen /

    has a warm heart, I know I can handle it and rap the farm workers Cao Dragon Boat Festival, because the biological parents divorced, they were remarriage, thus creating a four father and mother of the status quo. The wife Songdan Hong private hospital nurse, speaking mouth is the unforgiving, but Youkouwuxin. The son of ocean primary school is, with his father, the wind, rather a sense of humor. Songdan Hong knife tongue, heart, few runs Cao Dragon Boat Festival to make money, the ability not, but all day long for several father and mother too busy running around tending to, or even to help their children busy. Up wages, engaged in the performance, finding a job, look for rocks, sponsorship, cure heart disease.

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