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Story about《Qing Qu Ti Yan Shi / 情趣体验师》
    2016 Year Love movie < Qing Qu Ti Yan Shi / 情趣体验师 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gong Haibin / Hu Yue / Liu Yang /

    The pool is a gull busy and full express little brother, a colleague and friend stay adorable bear. Taste experience division Bai Xiaoyu solitary in pool gull courier station where the District, a broken package, open the gull pond and white small between the door and the pure white small beautiful and special career let gull pond to the mysterious girl produced a curious.

    At this time, gull pond and goddess white small the first intimate contact, tight pool gull mistakenly think that goddess of his overtures, things are not so simple, small before the appearance of her boyfriend Xiao Bing, let their life gradually deviated from the track. Bai Xiaoyu in Xiao Bing of the plot into the abyss, the European pool fling caution to the winds and even lose their jobs tried to help small to get rid of the difficult position, the relationship between two people also began rising in the fermentation.

    But just when everything seems to be just the beginning of good, but because of the white small left end. And the distance between the pool gull goddess is ultimately an insurmountable gap, but all are worth looking forward to continued story.

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