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Action Tatoo / 타투 / 纹身 / 刺青师 / 刺青Video Download url:
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Story about《Tatoo / 타투 / 纹身 / 刺青师 / 刺青》
    2015 Year Action movie < Tatoo / 타투 / 纹身 / 刺青师 / 刺青 >
    Director:Seo Lee /
    Stars:Song Il-Kook / Yoon Joo-Hee / Hyun-Sang Kwon / Seo-Young /

    A Tattooist suspects one of her customer to be a serial killer, according to the tattoo he is getting made by her.
           Tattooist Soo-na is one of the best tattoo-artists in South Korea. Her customer are the wealthy and the rich. She has no own studio, but therefore she visits her customer to make their tattoos. So they can keep their private life under wraps and Soo-na earn a lot of money. One day Ji-soo order her to tattoo the head of the Medusa on his back. The Medusa is a monter from the Greek mythology with an ugly face and Hair made of snakes. Soo-na visits him regularly to draw always another snake to the head, which is quite strange. Why not getting the tattoo done in one session? But Soo-na has to face a terrible truth as she learn, that some girls in her city are missing. Because every time a girl get missing, Ji-soo order another snake.


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