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Story about《Bangkok Red Rose / 曼谷红玫瑰》
    2004 Year Story movie < Bangkok Red Rose / 曼谷红玫瑰 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: According to legend, a scattered and lost , about the latter half of the nineteenth century Siam customs by French people FrancoisXavier , relegated to the " Voyageur, " the badu manuscript , actually reproduce the world, and Paris, a university income . The document describes the the Siam woman named Marie - ange , kept in the dark future , and predicted the same building with the Eiffel Tower stands in the Zhao Paye River Tower is a colony of Britain and France ! As the sensitive manuscripts theme , the Royal Thai Embassy in Paris, then sent young interpreter proficient in the language of the British and French Maneejan representations to retrieve the file .

    When Maneejan access to documents she should see a hundred years ago the Siamese character ; back to Bangkok , she can be back to 19th century Bangkok , talking with the then powerful minister and white missionaries . These people know the next thing to understand writing , Xiao Triple language was amazed at the young woman , she try to help the motherland deal between the two European powers , Britain and France ...
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