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Story about《Large living / / golden 2 / 大生活//金婚2》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Large living / / golden 2 / 大生活//金婚2 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhang Guoli / Chia translation / Zhao Tao / Hanyu Qin /

    Chengdu - a beautiful motherland southwest provincial capital cities.
    Yoo Dong is a living in the city's lowest level of the urban poor, had been a the Subdistrict small repair factory workers, selling shoes, sold fruit, and later became a sanitation workers sweep the street. He naturally gathered around some of the same fate, they are cleansing teams of Sanitation Bureau of open sprinkler Pengju the vagrant four posing as the big boss of the Jindong Min keep the public toilets in the old Soviet Union, has used nails sub- wine of the Ding Ye ... they believe in one criteria: living thing is born to live. Adversity, but always and everywhere to help those who are more weak and more unfortunate than they, in their own words: "their own life than the wildfire a little brighter, but pretend the sun go according to others.
    Yoo Dong as a representative figure of this group, the cruel life is particularly cruel to him.
    Yoo Dong had a poor, however, a happy little family, wife Li Yuanyuan beautiful to be called Japanese actress Kurihara, small volume, but in order to live a magnificent life of her affair became the wife of the powerful, and later became a prisoner.
    Yoo Dong had had an income is not high, however, stable work: auto mechanics. But in the brutal competition in the market, this the Subdistrict small factory collapse, Liu Dongcheng vagrant. Order to survive, he went "flying markets" sell shoes due to the poor a stray girls, eat her lunch, while he came to be known as "fish" the wandering girls called my father, then the police station he father investigated for the fish, he committed the crime of abandonment, and ultimately his the dumbfounding shelter fish, and truly become the father of street girls, Liu East: "You know one ... that What? which a good man is to do it? which son of a bitch only want good people to do it is forced, is compelling . Since then, Yoo Dong-top to take care of Volunteers father's comrades Ding Ye, pulling below the unemployed at home, the younger brother of Liu West and daughter fish, difficult journey on the road of life ...

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