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Story about《Different python Kuangxi half the trouble of the / 异蟒狂袭》
    2007 Year Horror movie < Different python Kuangxi half the trouble of the / 异蟒狂袭 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /

    life you say Yes to say too fast, say No , said the slow . Summer afternoon , a man and a woman are in the woods Touhuan woman take off his coat , revealing a plump figure , a man in the eyes desires flashing the Huhu take off his coat , clinging to the woman , his hands wander down her body , a woman's desires eventually lead to the whispered moan , when the moment she looked up , suddenly scream ... soon , a man and a woman was missing in the town spread to the sheriff organized a detachment went to the woods looking for , but into the woods a did not come back , the town suddenly panic , and thereafter began a missing person , several mysterious men and women come to the purpose is rounded up an escape from the laboratory to the python , the python is the product of laboratory genetic test , because the genetic variation immeasurable , and engulfed the living ...

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