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Story about《The Long March / 长征》
    2001 Year Chinese TV < The Long March / 长征 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Tang Guoqiang / Liu Jing / Chen Tao-ming /
    Storyline: 1930s , the dark clouds hanging over the land of China . Defrauding the Sun Yat-sen trust of Chiang Kai-shek , to win the highest strength of the KMT sent power . Chiang Kai-shek's disregard of the Japanese imperialists invaded and occupied China's Manchuria , invaded North China the fact that for the complete elimination of the Chinese Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army , personally deployment , command and fifth "encirclement and suppression " , the newborn 's red regime attempted to eliminate in the cradle . Active defense strategy, the central person in charge of Bogut and the Communist International sent military advisers Reid , abandoned " lure the enemy deep in the movement to destroy the enemy " with the enemy to fight consumption, the Red Army suffered heavy losses . In October 1934 , the Red Army began the Long March .
    The Long March is a miracle in the history of human warfare , the Long March to its unique charm of the war , not only in the minds of the Chinese people to generate inexhaustible spiritual strength , and like the perfect myth , the breakthrough times of national borders in the world, spreading the word .
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