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Story about《Gremlins / devils / elf / 小魔怪/捣蛋鬼/小精灵》
    0 Year Comedy movie < Gremlins / devils / elf / 小魔怪/捣蛋鬼/小精灵 >
    Director:Joe Dante /
    Stars:Zach Galligan / the Hoyt Ake Princeton / Phoebe Cates /

    , Billy 's father Chinatown to buy a Christmas gift to Billy , Billy gift - Gremlins fallen in love with , but raising the original Gremlins has three rules : First, do not let it contact with water ; , do not let it contact the sun ; , do not feed it after midnight . Billy did not expect to violation of the rules could even bring big trouble , trouble is a multiple of the rapid growth of the Billy the town into an unprecedented chaos , has always been a quiet Christmas Eve carnival trouble night into Gremlins raging ......
    Billy the parent , Lund , passing an antique shop , fancy a smart elf , want to give Billy a Christmas gift , the owner man insisted sell , but the old man 's grandson secretly sold elf Lund , a series of unfortunate the thing begins.
    Billy 's father in Chinatown to buy a Christmas gift to Billy , Billy gift - Gremlins fallen in love with , but raising the original Gremlins has three rules : First, do not let it contact with water ; , do not let it exposed to sunlight ; Third, do not feed it after midnight . Billy did not expect to violation of the rules could even bring big trouble , trouble is a multiple of the rapid growth of the Billy the town into an unprecedented chaos , has always been a quiet Christmas Eve carnival trouble night into Gremlins raging ......

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