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Story about《Fine people and bad ghosts / 人细鬼坏》
    2003 Year Comedy movie < Fine people and bad ghosts / 人细鬼坏 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Thierry Lyle Mitt /
    Storyline: text Senbo Lyle , is a large international construction company boss, a successful career , his son soon to be born , while Simon Wario is going through the lowest point in life when the exam get the job , the architect is not made ​​until he found Vincent stole his plans for and developed , and Simon went to Vincent companies to find him afterwards , an incident occurs Vincent 's car accidentally struck and killed the Simon and Simon, not willing to die so he wants revenge following the Seoul resurrected at Vincent 's newborn son , Simon vowed To Vincent 's happy life destroyed , from Expand a little demon of revenge in mind ... until the last misunderstanding lifted , we all live a happy life .
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