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Story about《YuYu Hakusho / 幽游白书》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < YuYu Hakusho / 幽游白书 >
    Director: /
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    Storyline: the
    Pu rice You Zhu is a 14 -year-old studying deposited secondary schools in the pan house , is the school 's first juvenile delinquent , but in order to save a stranger child was killed by the car for the spirit world , his death is a pretty big accident , so in the spirit world and his place for small Hades to give him a second chance , as long as the test of the spirit world You Zhu on the resurrection, but this position as Detective of the spirit world . In the first task , You Zhu recognize Crossoptilon Minamino and flying shadow , You Zhu " Crossoptilon " flying shadow " Kuwabara four work together to complete many of the tasks of the small Hades , and therefore a minor celebrity in the monster world successfully . was invited to participate in after dark martial arts , after the fighting skills of the Nine Lives Discover exquisite household yu Lu defeated, and the big breakthroughs .... after the beginning of a wonderful game trip !
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