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Story about《The vegetable baby / 蔬菜宝宝》
    2010 Year cartoon movie < The vegetable baby / 蔬菜宝宝 >
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    a long time ago, in the vast Loess Plateau, a magical little kingdom. The residents here is a group of cute baby vegetables. No along the Loess Plateau in their eyes, boundless, like the vast sea; strong wind blowing, piling up a seat dune, like ocean waves ". Originally, in addition to several strains of grass, here no longer less than the green stuff. The vegetable baby came here, here comes alive, joyful and lively. The father of sweet peppers with zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and four small brothers together in a large farm, where they stocked a small sheep, playing games, nothing noisy little aircraft, daily life is happy. Zucchini is the eldest of four brothers, he was very strong, courageous, and pride is a very reliable brother. Its maximum strength, and is sometimes to love Chengneng, of course, thought he was the boss, what had to listen to him. In fact, his mind is not good, especially the fear of math problems. Again proud to mention mathematics, he will disgrace to escape! The tomato is the second oldest of four brothers, his head is the fattest, the most adequate weight, or eat, sleep guy, no matter where, what position, how important moment can sleep. He ate what are fragrant, but do not spirit. Tomatoes because often drag everyone back, always better to brothers Tim trouble. I do not know how many stories are because his stead. However, tomato is indeed the most intelligent of the four brothers, ah, it can be said Guizhu Yi most of any dangerous conditions can ensure their own to get out. He also has a valuable advantage is that rectifies it, whether it is not really change the attitude is always sincere apology. Chinese cabbage is the youngest of four brothers, he was a rebellious, loving the strange guy. His personality is too prominent, the first of his stay in the individual not the big wave head, he was a mission specialist, pirate expert, monster experts and various interdisciplinary experts. Northeast Han, cabbage speak frank, sharply, it is the language does not startle. His valuable advantage is that confidence in his friend, the most important brotherhood. Small chili is the youngest of four brothers, his head is too small, the brother they call him little, and later his father was getting so called, we are so called. Although he effort minimum age minimum, but his kindness and love to use their brains, the most labor of love, a love of learning boy. In fact, he is like the mischievous troublemaker, if you behaved, you take a look at the story of our vegetables, baby! From our vegetable farm, through the wilderness of mountains, the long mountain road to the capital of the vegetable kingdom. More vegetables babies live here, with granite and clay, urban construction, like the ancient city of Chang'an, grand magnificent. There are love candy vegetable king, love the beautiful Princess of bean sprouts, as well as ministers, soldiers and great mushroom Dr.. Dr. simple tools you can use levers, pulleys, and daily necessities to make a variety of magic items, he has created a flight suit and powerful cola, garbage recycling machine, Rainbow Bridge, Bigfoot robots, SOS gun space rockets ... dazzling invention, but also to teach the babies are a lot of scientific truth. However, near the vegetable kingdom, there are some bad guys, robbers, snatch sheep foreigners to open factories pollute the environment, there are the vegetables most terrible natural enemies - pests. Vegetables babies in unity and cooperation, brave struggle, wisdom, the use of friendship, and again beat these bad guys. In this vast land, and wrote a story ...

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