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Story about《Life and death moment / 生死瞬间》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Life and death moment / 生死瞬间 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhao Chunyang / An Zehao / Lei Han /
    Storyline: public security directed by the general director of the Shang Hongwu television show that "life and death moment" is the traditional Ji du story as a foundation bedding , which combines the incredible , confusing plot, send Zhaochun Yang , Wang Yi , repair leather , Chen Na , Zhang Yiwen Chen week, etc. many acting actor portrait of joining . Geng Juan , a speeding train , Liu thief stole a purse, Taiping City, Railway Police penal police pocketing team leader , and his black tiger caught . The Geng Juan drugs found in the wallet of the owner Yang . Yang Ming jumping through the window to escape . Of Geng Juan and in Hong Tianli track ... seriously injured Yang was brought back to the Railway Police Department . Found by the interrogation , Yang left eye was actually false eye . Even more unexpected is only false in the eyes , actually in possession of a loaded with micro- chip of the new du goods part of the production program . The Taihei City leaders believe that serious case is complex , command railway police and the Taiping Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly set up a task force detection of the case . According to Yang Ming explanation , he will tonight hold a production process of new drugs to the high seas and the other side of the unidentified connector . Time is running out , Chapter adventurous arrangements among the the Yuhong days embodiment of the Yang Ming to the high seas connector
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