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Story about《Happy 3 2 / 幸福3+2》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Happy 3 2 / 幸福3+2 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sun Hsing / Weizong Wan / Wang Chuen /
    Storyline: send him half their savings to open a restaurant , over the years the parent and motherhood , hard raising three daughters large became . Daughters different occupations , different characters , and bring joy to send him to also bring trouble . Seeing the daughter of the marriage has not yet been forthcoming, and send him anxious, and did her best efforts to help her daughter find a destination . Situation constantly , new restaurants has never been and father-in-law suddenly appeared , the family is more lively . Three daughters, the interpretation of their own wonderful : the eldest daughter the Yao Jieying successful career women , but neglect the emotional life , but fortunately the final encounter the real thing ; second daughter, Yao Yi Yuan is a chubby girl , kind , honest , often bullied , and good silly people stupid fu ; third daughter Yao Yi Lin, beautiful , talented , and many suitors , but believe in the life of the game and finally realized the truth valuable . Three daughters have a home , send him and Liu Han laugh came together .
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