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Story about《Anatomy alien / 解剖外星人》
    2006 Year Comedy movie < Anatomy alien / 解剖外星人 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Deke Lan RR Donnelley / Bill Pullman /
    Storyline:, Discovered extraterrestrial UFO crash in Roswell , New Mexico , USA in 1947 , the rumors . More fragments of the period of anatomical alien broadcast in 1995 , Duration 91 minutes , the piece called "Anatomy of an alien " shocked the world , later came to light is a stunning fraud . Recently , fragments taken shot Humphreys publicly acknowledged that he was one of the liar , the model of the alien corpses he single-handedly . Humphreys is a sculptor , to produce special effects for movies . He said, then spent four weeks , made ​​of latex and clay model of alien bodies , they went to the meat market to buy a sheep 's head, Intestinal , trotters , joints , into the model , as the alien internal organs and organ . Like mode of the alien model like kind , with black and white , fragments of the real thing . Humphreys also said that he and the film distributors Sheng Dili and three others at a house in London to start shooting in 2095 , he was still a film cameo when the chief surgeon of the anatomy alien .
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