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Story about《Bride Wannabes / Sheng female love combat / 盛女爱作战》
    2012 Year Documentary movie < Bride Wannabes / Sheng female love combat / 盛女爱作战 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Louisa So /
    Storyline:Hong Kong left the serious problem of women , five Hong Kong , single woman Gobby , Suki, Bonnie , Mandy , and Florence, for various reasons have been single , very eager to love . They will be in six months by a group of experts to assist in image transformation , as well as gender relations consultant to impart to attract the opposite sex techniques and achievements of men and women Raiders , from matchmaking consultants to help them go through objects . Five out of the solitary woman house Sheng women decided to attack to the city sportsman to try to get to know men , attract men , the pursuit of men , to create their own happiness the future , looking for their Mr. Right . Program, a real documentary , by Louisa to the narration about the encounter of the five heroine in six months . Each episode to track the progress of the transformation they accept the story of the spiritual path, and their interaction with the actor , after six months to see if they can successfully find Mr. Right .
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