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Story about《Han wu / 汉武大帝》
    2004 Year Chinese TV < Han wu / 汉武大帝 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Baoguo / Lin Jing / World / Jiao Huang / Yang Tong Shu / Gua Ah-lei / TAO / high incidence /
    Storyline: the first century AD in the world of the Orient . Preliminary towards the prosperity of the Han Empire, facing the inside and outside the double threat: the potential of domestic princes has become far too cumbersome, an attempt from the central to the implementation of local separatist; north outside the Hun army, repeatedly crossed the Great Wall line of defense, the Central Plains of aggression, seeking to expand into the living environment. The Han Dynasty had implemented the policy of "pro" Waijia marrying Princess Xian Feng tribute to withstand the tremendous national honor and disgrace.
    The grim situation need the Giants to support. Due to accidental reasons, the historical choice of a 16-year-old boy this heavy responsibility. His name is Liu Che. LiuChe ranked in the tenth king, had no chance to inherit the throne, but due to the talented English longitudinal, under the careful planning of the mother and uncle, after a court struggle, he proud of accession to the throne. Liu Che, after the emperor, the extraordinary boldness of vision, immediately issued an edict Seeking free airing of views, trying to row reform. But his vision by the grandmother, Empress Dou on behalf of the rich and powerful wife's family forces of repression, the first year suffered a major setback. Emperor Wu of Han never give up. He was good at waiting for an opportunity, deposed the arrogant Guiqi in the Queen Mother's death in one fell swoop, decided to replace the the Zu Zongchong letter faire Road, inaction and the principle of Confucian slogan "Zunwangrangyi" reform ideology, the guiding ideology of the unified empire .
    Implementation of police held exceptional employer to set up provincial governor, he served as Lian Li, strict criminal law, tax Salt and Iron, a currency, are input to the stabilization operator cord to report rape. Do everything possible to weaken the local forces, to strengthen the centralization of power. His exceptional will, popular mobilization, more than ten years in a row on the Hun conquest, the Huns driven out of the Hexi Corridor; more south, southeast Fujian and blending with the mainstream culture of the Han nationality.
    Hole through his unprecedented breadth of the Western Regions, the flag of the Han Empire first plug in the Pamir peaks Tuoling Sheng resounded through the desert to declare the Eastern and Western cultures of the earliest establishment of land-based communication channels. He went to Asia, Nanping Baiyue East ask barbarian, open the Silk Road, Homeland develop exponentially, lay the magnificent territory of the empire of China, the large impact of the Eastern and Western culture, blended. Han Empire to the peak of the peak.
    54 years of iron-fisted rule, casting the LiuChe such thing as a unique character and lofty image. History has proved that he is one of the greatest statesmen, strategists in Chinese history. At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, an infatuation, but changing. Long locks Gillian, touching the sad story of Ms. Li, Wei sub husband.
    Emperor Wu of Han is an indomitable spirit of a giant in the history of the Chinese nation, however, any Giants are not a perfect saint. Years of battle, run out of China's national strength, and his later years, the cult rebellion "Witchcraft Rebellion. After civil strife pacification, his courage to admit a comprehensive reflection to look back on my life, asked his son to external peaceful route does not dominate the optional submission of a Hun prince today cicada as a consultant for his son.
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