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Story about《Jeanne d'Arc / Joan of Arc / 圣女贞德 / 圣女贞德的故事 / 卢贝松之圣女贞德》
    1999 Year War movie < Jeanne d'Arc / Joan of Arc / 圣女贞德 / 圣女贞德的故事 / 卢贝松之圣女贞德 >
    Director:Luc Besson /
    Stars:Rab Affleck / Stéphane Algoud / Edwin Apps / David Bailie / David Barber / Christian Barbier / Timothy Bateson / David Begg / Christian Bergner / Andrew Birkin / Dominic Borrelli / John Boswall / Matthew Bowyer / Paul Brooke / Bruce Byron /

    A young girl receives a vision that drives her to rid France of its oppressor.
    In 1412, a young girl called Jeanne is born in Domrémy, France. The times are hard: The Hunderd Year war with England has been going on since 1337, English knights and soldier roam the country. Jeanne develops into a very religious young woman, she confesses several times a day. At the age of 13, she has her firt vision and finds a sword. When coming home with it, she finds the English leveling her home town. Year after that, in 1428, she knows her mission is to be ridding France of the English and so sets out to meet Charles, the Dauphin. In his desperate military situation, he welcomes all help and gives the maiden a chance to prove her divine mission. After the successful liberation of Orléan and Reims, the Dauphin can be crowned traditionally in the cathedral of Reims - and does not need her anymore, since his wishes are satisfied. Jeanne d'Arc gets set up in his trap and is imprisoned by the Burgundian...

    1412 Joan of Arc was born in France in a remote village , was executive during the Hundred Years War The vast territory of France was occupied by Britain . In addition , the French domestic outbreak of civil war, the Duke of Burgundy had betrayed his own country , standing on the British side . England 's King Henry V and Charles VI , King of France , died in 1422 in succession to the throne , King of England Henry VI was only a child . Although the British claimed the same time, he has the crown of England and France , but the French dauphin , Charles , do not want to give up his position . However, he wants to become King of France , it must be held in Reims , the coronation ceremony , but this place has been occupied by Britain . At this point , Joan of Arc has been 13 years old . She put most of the time for prayer. She often heard the air came a strange sound and saw a strange illusion . The mysterious voice told her that her mission is to revive the French dauphin Charles to become King of France . She must men , executive razor control of the military strikes .

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